How To Make The Customer Happy?
The customer is the reason you have a job. You are in the customer service business, and this should be your mantra. You may also want to add to your mantra that without customers, customer service employees are not needed.
You have learned the most common reasons for customer dissatisfaction are employees who ignore customers, don’t listen, aren’t responsible, aren’t knowledgeable, and don’t follow up.
You also learned that most of the time, customers will not even complain. They just will not come back.
The only way for you to know if you are making customers happy is to always stay on top of your game.
Performance Prompts
• You present the face of your business, so learn how to present yourself properly at all times.
• Your coworkers look to your entire team and your manager to set the level of expectation. Whatever you are willing to accept is what you are going to get, so set the bar high.
• Do not anticipate what customers need. Ask them what they need.
• Ask what you are doing right and what you can do to improve. Then, tune in to customers’ replies.
• Make sure customers are important to you. If they are important to you, they will be important to your coworkers.
• Always stay tuned in to your customers—and to your coworkers—to stay one step ahead of the crowd.
None of this is rocket science. Giving high quality customer service is really very simple. It begins—and ends—with your commitment to your customers. Learn how to do your job well.
Expect the best from yourself and from your coworkers. Nothing less is acceptable for you to build a strong and loyal customer base.
When This Happens . . .
Mrs. Jones just pulled into your parking lot. She is a customer who complains about everything. Your coworkers start making wise cracks and derogatory comments about her. They jokingly say that you will have to handle her.
Try This
You feel the same about Mrs. Jones, so it would be easy to join your coworkers in making jokes. Don’t. If you joke or talk negatively about a customer, it gives them the green light to do the same.
Show your coworkers that you are above making fun of your customers. Say something like, “Hey Guys, Mrs. Jones does a lot of business here. We don’t know anything about her personal situation, so let’s help her without judging her.
” Then step up to the plate and show your coworkers how to give exceptional customer service, even to one of your most difficult customers.
When your coworkers see how you treat Mrs. Jones, they will be less likely to make fun of her in the future.
Remember, the customer is the reason you have a job. Without customers, customer service employees are not needed.
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