Customers expect reliability and trustworthiness from their service providers. To be credible in the eyes of customers, employees must provide accurate information, be accountable for their actions, and value the customer as an individual. Customers will remain true to the company when its service representatives perform consistently, practice discretion, and commit to a respectful relationship with them.

Directions: How credible do you feel you are in the eyes of your customers? Think about your daily actions and then circle either YES or NO for each of the following statements to help you identify your individual strengths and weaknesses.

1. I treat all customers with respect and care.

2. I am fully knowledgeable about my company’s products and services.

3. If I can’t answer questions immediately, I know where to find the answers.

4. I never make light of a customer’s concern or complaint.

5. I always give a positive and empathetic response to customer complaints.

6. I use polite and courteous language around customers.

7. I never divulge details of my customer’s transactions to others.

8. I admit my mistakes and offer to make things right.

9. I consistently follow through when I promise to call a customer back.

10. I provide extra information about products and services without being asked.

11. When I can’t give the customer exactly what he or she wants, I provide alternatives.

12. I don’t place blame for customer problems on any individual or department.

13. I don’t criticize the behavior of coworkers.

14. I don’t complain about my boss, management, or working conditions.

15. I treat all my customers equally and fairly.

Scoring: How did you rate? If you responded YES to 12 or more of the statements, you already are doing much of what it takes to gain the trust and respect of your customers. Examine the areas that still need improvement and reflect on those situations where your credibility failed to shine.

Now jot down some possible work issues that may be contributing to reduced credibility with your customers.

Work Issues That Hinder Credibility

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